Medicine for Pain Relief
Regenerative medicine is a special aspect of healthcare that's continuing to advance. It consists of using tissue engineering to repair your tissue or organs to reestablish normal function. At our clinic, we use it to repair your muscles, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage. We focus on two main types of regenerative medicine – stem cell and PRP therapy.
Stem Cell Treatments
Stem cell therapy helps to generate new cells to revive disease or damaged tissues or organs. The stem cells are basically blank cells that can develop into the certain types of cells throughout your body. Learn more about stem cells here.
PRP Treatments
We also use platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. This consists of using your own platelets in your blood to help with pain and healing. Learn more about platelet-rich plasma therapy here.
Pain Relief Clinic in Fort Lauderdale, FL
Schedule an appointment to see if regenerative medicine is right for you by calling Anesco Pain Institute, serving Fort Lauderdale, and the surrounding Florida area, at (954) 580-8838. You may also use our convenient scheduling form.